Past Managers/Directors
The following individuals have served the Port of Klickitat as Port Managers/Directors.
We need your help! If you are related to, or know about, any of the people listed here, please help us in tracking down photographs and information about them. Any photo is welcome, but we are particularly seeking those that can be scanned and then cropped into an appropriate "head shot". Photos of the person taken at the time they served the Port are particularly desired. If you have information about one the people shown below, a photograph of them, or know of someone who does, please contact us and help us honor their service to the Port and our community.
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Marc D. Thornsbury
Served: Before filling this position, Marc held a management position at a regional freight forwarding and Customshouse brokerage firm headquartered in Portland (Oregon) for ten years. Prior to that, he launched a technology consulting firm located in Clackamas (Oregon) where he served as owner and General Manager for eight years. During his tenure, the power line serving the Dallesport Community was relocated underground along Dock Road, the Dow Road salt cake site and the larger RAMCO salt cake disposal site were cleaned up, The Dalles Fruit Company building was constructed and then expanded, the Dallesport Industrial Park booster pumps were decommissioned, the Port's 2003 and 2006 bonds were paid off, the Harbor Drive Realignment and Bingen Point Infrastructure Improvement projects were completed, and the buildings at 310 and 410 Larch St. and 901 Bingen Point Way were completed. |
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Dianne Sherwood
Served: Before filling this position, Dianne was ??? for Hood River County. She served as the Port's Executive Assistant until August 1998 when she became Acting Director and, later, Executive Director. She went on to perform freelance grant writing services before becoming Business Manager for the Portland Classical Chinese Garden in Portland, Oregon (as of 2012). During her tenure, the road and wastewater line project at Bingen Point was completed, Marina Park was closed to overnight camping, Insitu began leasing space, the first CC&Rs are adopted for Bingen Point, the last of the "bluff property" in White Salmon was sold, construction of the 139 Columbia River building (aka Bldg. 1B) was completed, the barge crane at Dallesport was removed, property was donated to Klickitat County for construction of the Dallesport wastewater treatment facility, a new boat launch at Bingen Harbor was constructed (replacing the original), the first Water System Master Plan for Dallesport was adopted, construction of the 118 Columbia River building (aka Bldg. 1D) was completed, the former RAMCo salt cake landfill at Dallesport was declared a contaminated site, and construction of the 110 Bingen Point building (aka Bldg. 1E) was completed. |
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Elmer Stacy
Served: Before filling this position, Elmer Stacy was Port Director for the Port of Skamania. During his tenure, installation of the dock crane at Dallesport was completed, additional fill material was received at Bingen Point (from construction of the second navigation lock at Bonneville Dam), the 154 Bingen Point building (aka Small Business Development Center or Bldg. 1A) was completed, Weyerhaeuser established the first log yard operation at Dallesport, the first Binding Site Plan for Bingen Point was adopted, the first water main extension at Bingen Point was constructed, the Port Office was moved to Bingen Point, the first boat launch and dock at Bingen Harbor was constructed, Innovative Composite Engineering (ICE) began leasing space, the "salt cake" material stored at the RAMCo facility was removed, 80 acres were sold at Dallesport, most of the "bluff property" in White Salmon was sold, and several properties near the Dallesport rail spur were sold. (if you have additional information on this person, please contact us) |
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Daniel Spatz
Served: Before filling this position, Dan was Editor of The Enterprise. He went on to become Editor and General Manager of The Dalles Chronicle before taking the position of Development Director for the Columbia Gorge Community College . He has served on The Dalles City Council since May 2008 and is a member of the Wasco County Economic Development Commission (as of 2010). During his tenure, extension of the eastern rail spur at Dallesport began, the "bluff property" in White Salmon was listed for sale, and the acquisition of a surplus dock crane from the Port of Vancouver was initiated.
(note: photo not contemporary with time of service)
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Brian Shortt
Served: Before filling this position, Brian ???. After leaving the Port, Brian went on to serve as Executive Director for the Port of Anacortes. He later returned to the area, launching Shortt Supply in Hood River, Oregon, where he remains Owner and General Manager (as of 2010) and serves as a commissioner for the Port of Hood River. During his tenure, the Sailboard Park beach access was completed, plans for a windsurfing resort were launched and then abandoned, the Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan was adopted for Bingen Point, Riley Bros. Concrete began aggregate mining operations at Dallesport, dredge spoils from the Bonnevile NavLock Project were awarded and received, Columbia Shipbuilders began operating at Dallesport, the Klickitat Point Lodge, Conference, and Trade Center was proposed (ultimately going to Skamania County as Skamania Lodge), the Dallesport Re-load Facility began operation, propane storage operations began at Dallesport, and issues with disposal of saltcake material by the Recycled Alumninum Metals Company (RAMCo) began to surface. (if you have additional information on this person, please contact us) |
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Stephen White
Served: Before filling this position, Stephen was an industrial engineer for Boeing and Martin Marietta, worked with handicapped adults, and was involved in continuing eduction for Seattle University (from 1978 to 1983). He came to the area as an economic development consultant for Skamania County and then Klickitat County. During his tenure, the Army Corps of Engineers flowage easement dispute was resolved with the promise of settlement monies. (if you have additional information on this person, please contact us) |
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R. Douglas Zenor
Served: Before filling this position, Doug served in the U.S. Army, was the assistant to the City Manager for Eugene, Oregon, served as the acting City Manager for Longview, the Public Works Director for Lacey, the City Manager for Moses Lake, and the City Administrator for Canby, Oregon, before coming to the Port. He went on to serve as the City Manager for Lincoln City, Oregon, and in January 1995 became the General Manager for the Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority (RUSA) in Roseburg, Oregon. He passed away in February 2009 at age 64. During his tenure, automation began with acquisition of the first computer and printer at the Port office. (obituary: Douglas Zenor, The News-Review 2-11-2009) (if you have additional information on this person, please contact us) |
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John W. ("Bill") Hemingway
Served: Before filling this position, Bill served in the Marine Corps for twenty years. He went on to serve as Director of the Central Oregon Economic Development Council before becoming President of Bellatrix Systems in Bend, Oregon (as of 2010). During his tenure, Bingen Point property was sold to the City of Bingen and SDS Lumber, Jarl Construction begins selling aggregate at Dallesport, restrictions and convenants were adopted for the Dallesport Industrial Park, the R.A. Barnes/RAMCo building (102 Kreps Dr. in Dallesport) was constructed and operations launched, Dallesport property was sold to, and developed by, BMI Limited and Pellissier Trucking, and construction of the Dallesport barge dock and rail overpass were completed. (if you have additional information on this person, please contact us) |
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Albin I. Berglund
Served: Before filling this position, Albin ???. He passed away in August 1989 at age 84. During his tenure, discussion began regarding mining and selling aggregate at Dallesport and plans were started for the barge dock, railroad overpass, and extension of Dock Road in Dallesport. (obituary: Albin I. Berglund, The Enterprise 8-10-1989, pg 14) (if you have additional information on this person, please contact us) |
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Jack W. Israel
Served: Before filling this position, Jack taught ???? at ???? in Tacoma, Washington, from ???? through ????. During his tenure, a second well was drilled at Dallesport, the property north of Bingen Harbor was sold to Rees Stevenson of Mt. Adams Forest Products, and Western Zirconium launched plans for a plant at Dallesport. (if you have additional information on this person, please contact us) |
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Alden H. Webber
Served: Before filling this position, Alden ???. Alden passed away in ?? at age ??. During his tenure, property at Bingen Point was sold to the City of Bingen for establishment of a sewage treatment plant, property at Dallesport was sold to Dow Chemical but the project began experiencing problems, negotiations on The Dalles Cherry Growers project began, permits were filed for drilling a second well at Dallesport, and a rail spur and log barging facility were considered at Bingen Point.
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Clarence Irwin
Served: Before filling this position, Clarence Irwin served as an officer at a Naval Training School in Dearborn, Michigan, where he achieved the rank of Commander, and saw active duty in World War II. Later, he served first as a teacher and then as a principal at the Riverdale (California) High School, ultimately holding the position of Superintendent of Schools for the Riverdale School District until his retirement in 1963. In addition to serving the Port, he was a member of the Skyline Hospital board, the Washington Columbia River Gorge Commission, and the Clark College Board of Trustees. He passed away in February 1993 at age 88. During his tenure, 462 acres in Dallesport were acquired from the Army Corps of Engineers and the Smith estate, over $2 million was received from the US Economic Development Administration (EDA) for Dallesport improvements, Marina Park was contructed at Bingen Point, Dow Chemical began (and then abandoned) development at Dallesport, the 102 Parallel (aka General Warehouse) and 101 Parallel (aka The Dalles Cherry Growers) buildings were constructed, the water reservoir at Dallesport was installed, and the remaining West Bingen properties were sold to SDS Lumber. (obituary: Clarence Irwin, The Enterprise 3-4-1993, pg 14) |
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Karl C. ("Casey") Langfield
Served: Before filling this position, Karl devoted his career to the U.S. Forest Service. He first served in the Fremont National Forest before moving to the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in 1933, taking the position of Mt. Adams District Ranger (Langfield Falls is named after him). In 1937, he was a member of the mounted guard for Franklin D. Roosevelt at the Timberline Lodge dedication. He retired from the USFS in 1956 and was elected to the Port Commission two years later. He passed away in March 1969 at age 75. During his tenure, the Bingen East properties were acquired (forming the present Bingen Point Business Park), the Army Corps of Engineers dredged a "barge channel" and "turning basin" (now known as Bingen Harbor) at Bingen East, the Bingen West properties sustained major flood damage and were sold to SDS Lumber Co., Dow Chemical began evaluating Dallesport for its magnesium plant, and a request for Economic Development Administration grant funds for Dallesport development was submitted. (obituary: Karl Coyner Langfield, The Enterprise 3-6-1969, pg 1) |
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Roy H. Cain
Served: Before filling this position, Roy served in the White Salmon Valley School District from 1910 through 1945 (except for brief assignments at other schools) as a teacher and, later, as Superintendent of Schools. After retiring, he served as a port commissioner briefly before becoming Port Manager. Roy passed away in November 1970 at age 83. During his tenure as manager, a barge channel was dredged between the river and the "Bingen West" harbor area, various properties in the area known as Bingen West were acquired, the focus of future property acquisitions moved from Bingen West to Bingen East (the Port's current Bingen Point property), and a significant update of the Port's Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements was adopted (including an amendment to acquire property in Dallesport). (obituary: Roy Harvey Cain, The Enterprise 12-3-1970, pg 1) |
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Deane Robert Nichols
Served: Before filling this position, Deane ???. Deane passed away in ?? at age ??. During his tenure as manager, the Port joined the Washington Public Ports Association (WPPA) and the Northwest Rivers and Harbors Congress (now known as the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association), adopted its first Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements, and purchased additional property in the area known as Bingen West. |
Special thanks to the White Salmon Enterprise, authors of the History of Klickitat County, and the various residents, family members, and other individuals who provided information and photographs to help complete this historical look at the people of the Port.