Site Help
If you are experiencing problems using our site, you have come to the right place. The following sections provide information on the software needed to use the forms, drawings, and other documents found on this site, the technology requirements for the best browsing experience, and the methods for printing pages and documents. In addition, site information concerning accessibility, browser compatibility, and standards compliance is also available. Finally, if you are having trouble finding the right information, try our search page (powered by Google) or our site index.
The documents made available on this site are generally provided in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) . However, some may be provided in Microsoft Word Document (DOC)
, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (XLS)
, or Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (PPT)
formats. These files require software that can understand and display the information contained in them. For PDF files, options include the
Adobe Acrobat Reader and the
Foxit Reader.
For DOC, XLS, and PPT files, options include
OpenOffice or a combination of Microsoft's
Word 2007 Viewer,
Excel 2007 Viewer, and
PowerPoint 2007 Viewer.
All of these programs are free to download and use.
Audio may be made available using Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Level III (MP3) or Waveform Audio File Format (WAV)
. Related files may be occasionally compressed into an a single archive (ZIP)
. Video may be made available using Flash Video (FLV)
or Moving Picture Experts Group (MP4)
files or through links to providers such as Television Washington (TVW)
and YouTube
. For further information on the technology used by the Port, please visit our Technology page.
This site adheres to the most recent web standards in effect at the time of its creation in 2009. As a result, it requires a web browser version released at that time or that has been updated since. For the best experience using this site, please insure your web browser has been updated to the latest version. Updates are available for a variety of popular browsers for various platforms (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux, and iPhone) including Chrome, Epiphany, Firefox, Galeon, iCab, Internet Explorer, K-Meleon, Konqueror, OmniWeb, Opera, Safari, Seamonkey, Swift. All of these programs are free, or have versions that are free, to download and use.
In addition to these standards, several areas of the site such as photo tours and container information require JavaScript to deliver interactive functionality to the user. If you have your browser set to disable Javascript, certain portions of this site will not operate and the format of some pages will be incorrect. As a reminder, if Javascript is disabled, a warning message will be displayed above the navigation links found on the left-hand side.
If you are looking for a "printer-friendly" link and can't find one, it's because this site uses Cascading Style Sheets designed to automatically reformat the pages contained within it for proper printing. Simply use your browser's print or print preview functions and the format of the content you see will be modified to be printer compatible. The printing of PDF and other documents is handled by the reader or other software used to view them. If you experience problems with printing any of the information in this site, please contact us and include the address (aka URL) of the web page or document with which you have experienced a problem.