
The population estimate for Klickitat County in 2005 was 19,500, up from 16,616 in 1990. Residents are spread over 1,908 square miles (about the size of Delaware) of mountain, range-land, canyon and riverside areas in the South-Central part of Washington. Its residents live in historic communities which provide various cultural, recreational and business opportunities.

Population Estimate 2005*, Klickitat County
Klickitat     19,500
Unincorporated area     12,960
Incorporated area     6,540
Bingen     655
Goldendale     3,650
White Salmon     2,235
For a full demographic report, please go to and select Klickitat County and then click on Demographic Report.

See US Census Quick Facts for demographics by county and city.

For information about nearby counties (Hood River, Sherman and Wasco) in Oregon, please go to and select Community Resumes.

*Source: Washington Office of Financial Management at